
Monday, September 24, 2012

My Daddy Dearest

I’m so glad when Daddy comes home,
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then climb upon his knee,
Put my arms around his neck,
Hug him tight like this,
Pat his cheeks, then give him what?
A great big kiss.
~Children’s songs/ Daddy’s Homecoming

Is having a father in the home necessary?
         These days it would seem that society doesn’t view fathers as necessary for raising emotionally stable and well-developed children.  I do not doubt that single mothers can raise well-adjusted children, but rather I believe that adding a father into the home can have many positive affects on a child’s entire life.  I suppose that the reason I personally believe this is because I, myself, have an excellent father that has done more for me than I can even wrap my mind around.  I look to my dad for advice and support for almost every aspect of my life and he helps without hesitation.  He has taught me the meaning of hard work and being kind to others.  I have never met another man that is my father’s equal in these two categories.  You may think that I am speaking with bias but go ahead and ask anyone that has ever met my dad!  He doesn’t flaunt his hard working, kind nature but he has a reputation for it, nonetheless.  People respect his character and can easily see what type of man he is just from associating with him for short periods of time.  I have always looked up to my dad and he has always made sure that I know that he loves and supports me.  I don’t know what I would do without him. My mother is so great but without the support of my father I don’t know if she would have been able to handle raising us children on her own (especially through the teen years!).  Having a priesthood holder in our home has been priceless.  His priesthood has blessed my life in innumerable ways.  My father is, without a doubt, an important and necessary part of my families home.  I love my daddy!

On a spiritual note: Is our Heavenly Father a necessary part of our lives?  He should be.  God is our father and he loves us more than we can comprehend.  He is always there for us and wants nothing more than for us to return to him some day.  He has given us everything and we are nothing without him.  Yes, Heavenly Father is a necessary part of our lives, whether we acknowledge that fact or not.  I hope you know how much your Heavenly Father loves you!

‘Til next time, friends!

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